A dental crown is used to restore a damaged or decayed tooth or cover a tooth after a root canal treatment and give it a real-like appearance. However, a dental crown can fall off under some circumstances. If you ever face such a situation and cannot visit your dentist immediately, the following steps can help you:
Stay Calm
Many people may panic if they see that their dental crown has detached. While this situation requires immediate action, it's not necessarily a dental emergency. Staying calm during this situation can help you think rationally and act accordingly. To ensure that your teeth remain protected and you stay comfortable, call your dentist and ask for a solution to temporarily cover your exposed tooth.
Save and Wash Your Crown
Try to recover your crown and save it if it’s possible. Carefully wash the crown using water and mild soap to get rid of any stuck food particles or dirt. Then, store it in a secure and accessible place till you book an appointment with your dentist. If the crown is in good shape, it may be possible for the dentist to simply reattach it using fresh dental cement. This could save you the money and time required to get a new dental crown.
Protect Your Tooth
A detached crown may expose the underlying damaged, chipped or remaining tooth structure, which you must protect to avoid any pain. Since the sensitive tissue and nerves of the underlying tooth may be exposed, you may experience increased sensitivity to hot or cold items and touch. To temporarily relieve this pain and discomfort, you can purchase dental cement or dental wax from a pharmacy to cover the exposed surface and protect it till you visit your dentist.
Avoid Certain Drinks and Foods
If your dental crown falls off, try to confine your consumption of certain food items and drinks that can potentially harm your tooth. Avoid chewy, tough and sticky foods that can dislodge the dental cement and damage your underlying tooth structure. Moreover, your exposed teeth may be sensitive to cold and hot drinks and food, so try to avoid them until you can visit your dentist.
See Your Dentist
Book an appointment with your dentist instantly when your dental crown falls. If you cannot visit your dentist for some days, the above-mentioned tips can help you temporarily fix the issue and avoid any damage to your tooth. Don’t wait too long, as bacteria can infect your remaining tooth structure and complicate the issue.
At Howe Dental, we can fix your detached dental crown and help you maintain good oral hygiene. Consult our dentists to know about the care required after getting a dental crown to avoid such situations in the future. Contact us today to get the best solution for all your dental concerns.