Oral Health

Understanding Dental Bite Problems

Understanding Dental Bite Problems Dental bite problems, or malocclusion, refer to misalignments of the teeth and jaw. Common forms include overbite, underbite, crossbite, and open bite. These conditions can stem from a variety of causes, including genetics, early loss of baby or adult teeth, improper fit of dental restorations, and habits like thumb-sucking in childhood. Symptoms and Signs

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Bulimia and Dental Health: Recognizing and Managing Tooth Damage

Bulimia and Dental Health: Recognizing and Managing Tooth Damage Bulimia, a serious eating disorder, is often discussed in terms of its psychological and physical health implications. However, its impact on dental health is a critical aspect that warrants attention. As a dentist in downtown Vancouver, I’ve seen firsthand the effects bulimia can have on oral

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How Sugar Impacts Your Dental Health

How Sugar Impacts Your Dental Health The sweet allure of sugar masks its less known, detrimental effects on dental health. In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll uncover how sugar truly impacts your teeth, offering insights beneficial for anyone under the care of a dentist in downtown Vancouver. When sugar enters your mouth, it interacts with bacteria

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Tonsil Stones: Myths, Symptoms, and Treatments

Introduction Tonsil stones, also known as tonsilloliths, are a common yet misunderstood oral health issue. Often shrouded in myths and misconceptions, they can cause unnecessary anxiety for many individuals. As your trusted Dentist downtown Vancouver, we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to debunk those myths and provide factual information about the causes, symptoms, and effective

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Guide to avoid harmful dental trends and maintain oral health

The Importance of Good Oral Health and the Growing Trend of Harmful Dental Practices If you’ve ever awakened with a faint sense of unease within your jaw, or if your teeth appear to have embarked on a clandestine journey of attrition, you might just be grappling with the enigmatic clutches of teeth grinding. It’s a

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Small Dental Problems, Big Consequences: The Importance of Addressing Dental Issues Early

Small Dental Problems, Big Consequences: The Importance of Addressing Dental Issues Early Dental problems, even small ones, can quickly become big issues if left untreated. What might start as a tiny crack or cavity can eventually lead to tooth loss or more severe health problems? Regular dental exams with a dentist in downtown Vancouver can

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Do Dental Fillings Need to be Replaced?

Do Dental Fillings Need to be Replaced? When it comes to treating cavities, dental fillings are a common solution. But how long do they last? Do fillings need to be replaced over time? In this blog post, we’ll explore the lifespan of fillings and when it’s time to visit a dentist in Vancouver for a

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What to Do When You Lose A Crown?

A dental crown is used to restore a damaged or decayed tooth or cover a tooth after a root canal treatment and give it a real-like appearance. However, a dental crown can fall off under some circumstances. If you ever face such a situation and cannot visit your dentist immediately, the following steps can help

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Keeping Dentures in Good Shape

Correct denture care is essential to keep your dentures both looking great and functioning at their best. Keeping your dentures in good shape goes beyond the aesthetics; it also helps to prevent your dentures from causing sore and bleeding gums. Looking after your teeth, both real and artificial is an essential part of any dental

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