Dental checkup

How Often to See Your Dentist: Finding Your Perfect Schedule

How Often to See Your Dentist: Finding Your Perfect Schedule Understanding the importance of regular dental check-ups is crucial for maintaining optimal oral health. However, the frequency of these visits can vary based on individual needs and circumstances. This blog explores how you can determine the best dental visit schedule for yourself, ensuring your teeth

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How Do I Know if I Should Save or Pull My Tooth?

When you’re dealing with dental pain, you just want it to stop. Pulling teeth often seems like the quickest, easiest option. With advances in medical technology and understanding though, saving teeth is more possible than ever. In recent years, the Canadian Dental Association reports that the number of adults with no natural teeth has reduced by almost

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coffee affects your teeth, dental checkup vancouver, effects of coffee on teeth

5 Ways Coffee Affects Your Teeth

Coffee is like a magic pill to some people because it gives them an instant energy boost. However, it has the opposite effect on your teeth. As an energy drink, coffee can make you feel motivated and even happy. Unfortunately, coffee affects your teeth. Below are the damaging effects of coffee. Tooth Stain The tannins in

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Gum Disease: How To Treat Bleeding Gums

Are you a betting person? If not, then you likely won’t like these odds. Seven out of ten Canadians get diagnosed with gum disease over their lifetimes. If you want to avoid becoming a part of that statistic, you need to take action now. If your gums already bleed, then you could already have a minor

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5 Signs That Show Your Teeth Are Rotting

Rotting teeth severely compromise your oral health. It can result in dental abscesses, tooth loss, cavities, and worse. Unfortunately, the majority of people don’t recognize the sign of teeth decaying and end up with bad teeth and in serious need of a dentist. If we can catch tooth damage early, you can get treatment implemented

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Getting a Dental Checkup for Tooth Pain

A toothache results when an irritated nerve causes a throbbing or aching feeling in your tooth. At Howe Dental Confidential Group in Vancouver, we offer emergency dental care and general dentistry services to get to the root of your tooth pain and fix the problem. We recommend a dental checkup to find and resolve any other oral health

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