Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Sore Throat? Here’s What You Should Know

A sore throat can be a cause for serious concern these days. It's a symptom of COVID-19. It's not always caused by COVID, though.

It could be a sign of the common cold. Or can wisdom teeth cause sore throat? You never know.

Learn all about wisdom teeth's relationship to a sore throat by reading on.

A Word to the Wise

First, what are wisdom teeth? They're a normal part of the human mouth. Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars.

Unlike other teeth, they don't erupt until between the ages of 17 and 25. Although they're natural, they can cause oral health problems. If they don't have enough room to emerge, they may erupt partially.

"Impacted" wisdom teeth are the result. This kind of teeth can, in fact, cause a sore throat.

Partially erupted wisdom teeth may be prone to infection. Bacteria, food debris, and plaque can then accumulate around the tooth.

As time passes, bacteria attack your tooth and gums. Infection or abscess can result. Since they're near your mouth's rear, infected wisdom teeth can cause a sore throat.

The best way to relieve yourself of your pain is tooth extraction. A Vancouver dentist can numb your mouth, make an incision in your gums, and remove the impacted tooth.

Wisdom Tooth Worries

You'd be wrong to think that you can get away with keeping impacted wisdom teeth.

Infected wisdom teeth cause more than a sore throat. They can lead to jaw pain, headaches, and tenderness. The tissue near the affected tooth can become visibly inflamed, red, and swollen.

Even worse than a sore throat, you could develop a fever and struggle to swallow or open your mouth. Once a dentist removes an infected tooth, they'll clean the underlying socket and tissue to remove bacteria.

Tooth removal will alleviate your symptoms and heal your mouth.

If the symptoms above aren't enough to make you cautious, then these should be. An impacted wisdom tooth can cause even more pain.

An earache, difficulty opening the mouth, swelling of the gums, and bad breath could all ensue. You could also have aches in the jaw area and tenderness around the swollen gum area.

A tooth infection can cause a tender, inflamed gum and even pus to come from the gum. You could have swollen lymph glands, too.

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder can worsen the symptoms that come with troublesome wisdom teeth.

Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Sore Throat?

As you know by now, they sure can. These teeth may be the mark of the beginning of wisdom, but they bring pain with them. Similarly, wisdom itself can come from experiencing pain.

Fortunately, you can stop the pain associated with wisdom teeth forever by having them removed. The associated discomfort will become a distant memory.

Can wisdom teeth cause sore throat? Why of course, but it's equally obvious that Howe Dental can prevent that from happening. Contact us today to schedule a dental checkup.
